Jesus is Something More: Sermon from Hebrews 1:1-4

Something More!

Objective Statement: God has offered us SOMETHING MORE than we ever could have imagined in His Son Jesus Christ. What The SOMETHING MORE is, is described in minute detail in Hebrews 1.

I. He Something More because he is Ultimate and Superior over all Heavenly Heirs

(1) “Long ago, at many times and in many ways (Many Portions) , God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,

a. These whole bits of information might not have made full sense to these prophets like pieces of a puzzlethey just knew that their part was to add a piece to the whole picture that would make up the picture of Messiah.

b. (Narrative, Historical, Gospels, Poetry, Wisdom, Law, etc. just like Instagram, Email, Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, etc)

c. Our communication is finite, and fallible, and often not even understandable (Text that Simone sent). But God’s communication is perfect and now “something more” in revealing himself to us in his son.

"Will u stop for grass seeds dirt and maybe some fury elixir?"

(2) but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.

a. God didn’t have to speak through the prophets at all, but NOW THERE IS SOMETHING BETTER! God Spoke to us personally through his SON!

b. The Apostles and Prophets were the writers of God’s word, but Jesus IS GOD’S WORD! He himself is the everlasting LOGOS the EVERLASTING WORD OF GOD

c. He is better because he is the SON of God. This means that he is God.

d. Through whom he created all things: This is important because Adoptionism and early heresy says that he was only a great man an Israelite prophet “became God’s son” or was adopted as God’s son, but Jesus the Israelite prophet could not have been adopted because he was there when it all started, not only was he there when it started, but he carried the creation of all things out by his own power!

(3) He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

a. Radiance: Vividly Bright and Shining. Emitting or transmitting of God’s glory. Jesus the Son transmits the glory of God perfectly and when we see him we see God’s glory. The light flashing forth from God

G541 ἀπαύγασμα

Pronounced ap-ow'-gas-mah

from a compound of 575 and 826; an off-flash, i.e. effulgence:--brightness.

This is the only occurrence of this word in the entire NT and it is used in relationship to how Jesus is the only one who can emit or transmit God’s glory to man. He is the ultimate light flashing forth from God. He is the radiant splendor of the one that we cannot see otherwise our sins would be too much for us and we would die in his presence.

b. Glory of God:

c. Exact Imprint: Representation Illustration (Address Stamp, Wedding invitation “Prägung”)

d. Nature:

e. Upholds the Universe: How is he able to uphold the universe without having made it? Or being God?

f. Word of His power: He speaks and holds the world with the words, “Exist, Exist, Exist, Exist”

g. HAS MADE IT! “Once for All” “eternal Redemption” we do not add too it! We cannot take away from it, “nor did he offer himself often” but now once at the consummation of the ages. He put away sin. he has offered himself, He “having been offered once for the sins of many.” “having been offered once for all time” For b one offering he has perfected for all time he has perfected for all time those who are being saved (Hebrews 10:14). (like the high priest) “Definite Atonement” eternal purification for the bride of Christ!

h. Purification for sins: “Purging” our sins from us. Illustration: The Movie “The Purge” (Ceremonial, Ablution, Morally, Expiation, purging, purify).

G2512 καθαρισμός

Pronounced kath-ar-is-mos'

from 2511; a washing off, i.e. (ceremonially) ablution, (morally) expiation:--cleansing, + purge, purification(-fying).

Katharismos: The group of words denotes physical, religious, and moral cleanness or purity in such senses as clean, free from stains or shame, and free from adulteration. In the LXX it is most often clean, free, or innocent.

Catharsis is a term in dramatic art that describes the effect of tragedy on the audience, usually the purging of emotions such as pity and fear through art. A purification of purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension.

Jesus has afforded us complete Catharsis and purging from every evil not just the release from emotions, or the cleansing of pity and fear or some cathartic release from tension, but rather a true and full Cathartic purging of every evil, sin, and stain that indwells us all.

JESUS IS THE ULTIMATE CATHARTIC EXPERIENCE and not that we have to go after it and make it happen to us, but rather “HE HAS MADE” Katharismos for our sins once and for all time, never to be needed again and again like the priests had done, or like we try to do when we go to another retreat or conference and try to let Jesus “purge” us again. HE HAS DONE IT IF YOU BY FAITH HAVE RECEIVED IT!

i. Sat down at the Right Hand: Kings sit at right hands that symbolizes power

j. Majesty on High:

(4) having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.

a. Become superior to the angels

b. As a result of his effectual work on the cross he has inherited a NAME that is more excellent that any other name under heaven.

Application: Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the Author and Perfector of our Faith. “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the authorand perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12:2 NASB

-make the meditation on the work of Christ a pattern of your life.

-fix it to your calendar, your pocketbook, your thoughts, actions, and your rhythms of life

-be sure to know and acknowledge that Jesus is the author, He is writing the story of your redemption and salvation.

-Be sure to know that he is the perfecter of that story. He does that work of perfecting your salvation with your cooperation in the process.

- What distracts you from fixing your eyes on Jesus?