Up Your Tech Game

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In This Episode of CHURCHepreneurs Richard Moore shares a recent Webinar that he did called "Up Your Tech Game." It was full of practical helps for Churches who are in the midst of trying to reach more people through technology. You can watch this Episode here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IZFWjjfi3s

Below are the notes from his session.

1. Define envision your special future (destination)

a. “The Gospel must first be preached to all creation.”

b. Matthew 28:19-20

c. “To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

d. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today (Heb 3:13)

e. Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir one another up to love and good works, not neglecting the meeting together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” (Hebrews10:23-25).

2. Define what you want to do first

a. Use what you have at hand for video etc. Your phone is an incredible multimedia machine (iPhone X and 11 can shoot video at 4K 60 FPS)

b. Livestream Software (OBS Studio, Streamlabs OBS, XSplit, Wirecast, vMix, Nvidia Shadowplay, lightstream)

c. microphones, cameras, look around your house to see what is already there that could be applied as tools. Use what you already have at hand.

d. Once you have decided and defined what you want to do look for deals for gear. (Light ring 20€ and it is a great setup for livestream on facebook, youtube, etc.)

2. Visualize and Conceptualize

a. Try to imagine what you what you want your tech game to look like. If you don’t know maybe you need to inform yourself (YouTube)

b. Conceptualize by planning (materials, gear, making plan for your content, outline goals content, etc)

3. Be relevant, real, authentic, and don’t put out poor quality content (Quality isn’t King content is king. Don’t copy a model. know who you are)

4. Don’t be haphazard (waste time or money)

a. The more you get into upping your tech game the more you will see how time intensive it is. So don’t waste time.

b. Make every dollar count (don’t waste money on cheap gear. If it is a necessary piece of gear spend the money (Cameras, lighting, computers, mics, cam-link, audio and video switchers. etc.)

5. Get your innovation ready first and then launch

6. Practice, Practice, Practice (don’t “go live” without knowing your software inside and out.

7. Research

8. My process: What I do in my Tech Game

a. Podcast recording with an Auna USB Mic into Garage Band (Accusonus ERA 4 Plugin Bundle) I know podcasters who use Voice memos on a iPhone or other cell phone and a quiet room to record podcasts. So it doesn’t have to be complicated.

b. Blogs I write blogs on all topics faith, theology, and church ministry related all you need is a google account to start a blog at blogger, another platform is Word press. I just use my social media platforms and influence there to make articles known. leverage every tool you have at your disposal. In my opinion don’t leverage your social media for cats! We use everything for the glory of God and the building of his kingdom. certainly you can post stuff about your family, fun stuff etc. But the more you post cat videos the less you will be taken seriously. make a good mixture of fun, and serious content that is beneficial for people, and the building, discipling, and encouragement of the kingdom.

c. Vlog (Video Podcasts) record using what you have try, try and try again.

d. Social media content (You can replicate all content across all platforms. If you post something somewhere post it everywhere so that you don’t have to create new content for every different platform. If I post something on FB I usually post it on Twitter. This way you can save time and influence more people.

e. Email Supporter newsletter: Use this to inform and encourage your support network. (Mailchimp is free) use it for a church newsletter. You can stylize it to look nice instead of just text.

f. WhatsApp is also a tool that could be used for gatherings, video conference, small groups etc

g. Zoom, Google meet, Skype, FaceTime, etc are all good platforms to have meetings, churches are doing zoom Gottesdienste, etc. People can chime in via zoom to a live church service. Where people are able to attend physically, but in these times not your whole congregation is allowed to attend for space sake and Abstand then you can add a zoom function to every church service and have groups who switch Sundays of physical attendance.

-The content of the gospel must stay the eternal content of the gospel

-The message cannot change to fit the packaging.

-Technology or innovation is only a tool innovation is only working on that tool

-Personal meetings Vs. Virtual meetings

-Virtual meetings are only a substitute and can only be a substitute

-Maybe your virtual presence should be a Low key entry point and should point people to the physical gathering

-Tech Game of a Church is an extension of your church not your church itself